Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Molly is 1!

How there aren't enough words to tell how much you are loved and what a gift each moment with you is!  Your smile is contagious and you are so happy so much of the time.  Life is definitely better with you in it Molly and we know God will use you to do great things!
Happy 1st Birthday Molly Elizabeth!

Definitely a fan of the cake! (Big brother wanted to try some too!)

Wearing some cute new clothes courtesy of her Grandma & Grandpa

12 month well check at the doctor!  Happy and healthy girl!

So tired she fell asleep after a diaper change!
"I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' "Psalm 91:2

Thanksgiving 2016

This Thanksgiving we spent in 2 places.  First, we stayed in Houston Thanksgiving Day to spend it with my family and then we left the next day to join Casey's family at their Lake House just outside of Marble Falls.  It was a great few days spending it with those we love!  So thankful for our many blessings!
Sweet sleeping baby! (Who's actually sleeping in a closet)

Cousins wanting Grandma's ice cream

Such a happy girl!

These 2 cousins LOVE playing in the dirt

Caden napped in the closet too!

Best family photo we could get! Love our family!

Getting to drive at the Lake House

These 2 LOVE each other so much!  
"Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal."  Isaiah 26:4

11 months Update in Pictures!

Can't believe we already here and next month my baby girl will be 1!

Supporting Daddy's school!  Go Coogs!

Girl LOVES pizza!  Don't take it away from her, she will throw a fit!

Thanksgiving 2016

Enjoying outside at the Lake House

Having a ball at a birthday party!
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8

10 Months for Molly!

   What a month it was for our sweet girl!  Molly is now a walker! Craziness how both of our kiddos started walking at 10 months!

Molly enjoyed her first Halloween this year!  I debated whether or not to make both kids wear something that coordinated together or just let them do their own thing.  Since Caden seems to be so particular about his costumes (nothing on his face, nothing super baggy, etc.), I opted to not make them coordinate.  Caden was a dinosaur and Molly was an elephant.  Still only 2 teeth.  Since I'm so far behind in posting, we'll let the pictures tell the rest of what this sweet girl has been up to this past been month!  With each new day, we love our sweet girl and her big brother even more!

Zoo Boo with these 2 sweet kids!

Molly got a nice goose egg!  Thankfully it didn't last too long!

Our dinosaur loving boy!  He was obsessed with Arlo
the Good Dinosaur, so this was the perfect costume!

Ready to go Trick or Treat!

This girl partied hard at a birthday party 

Teething banana brush!

Double trouble!
"I keep my eyes always on the LORD.  With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."  Psalm 16:8

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

9 Months for Molly!

Hard to believe 9 months has come and gone!  This past month was full of milestones for little miss Molly!  Girl finally got some teeth!  She decided to do two at a time like her brother liked to do too, so now she's got her two bottom front teeth.  No more yet, but there's still plenty of chewing on toys and waking up in the middle of the night to make me think more are coming very soon.  I thought since Molly started pulling up and standing sooner that she might beat her brother in the walking department, but looks like they'll be pretty close to about the same time.  Molly did take 2 steps on her own though!  This little girl loves to stand on her toes, so I think that is why the walking hasn't happened sooner.
   Turning 9 months meant a visit to the pediatrician for a well check!  Normally, this is a shot-free visit, but unfortunate for my winter babies that were born during flu season, it means a flu shot!  Girlfriend was not a fan, and unfortunately has to go back at the end of this month to get her second dose (should be loads of fun since her brother is getting one too!)  She did great at her appointment and we are so thankful to God for a healthy and happy baby!  Here are Molly's stats, which are pretty close to her big brother's at this age:
Height: 28.25 in. (52%)   Caden was 28.5 in. (58%)
Weight: 18 lbs. 10.4 oz. (57%)   Caden was 19 lbs. (38%)
Head Circumference: 18 in. (91%) Caden was 18.11 in. (79%)
   Sweet girl is still a super happy, easy going baby! I love that she smiles so much and so often for pretty much anyone. She takes 2-3 naps depending on the day and what's going on. She's started waking up during the night, but once those first 2 teeth came through, it made more sense as to why.  Hopefully, we'll get back to no interruptions, but sleeping all night was nice while it lasted!
Aggie game day ready!

Playing with the baby in the mirror at the doctor

Big brother teaching little sister about Noah's ark

Wearing Daddy's pajamas when he was her age, priceless!

Got to try a cupcake at a friend's birthday party
and girl was a fan of the icing!

Trip to the eye doctor to get those pretty peepers checked

Playing with her Great Uncle Kenny at his 80th Birthday

Sleeping in this awkward position

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance."  2 Thessalonians 3:5

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Molly @ 8 months

How we are here at 8 months already is crazy, but here we are!  To think that in 4 short months you will be a year old makes me sad because it's gone so fast, but then I feel like you've always been with our family, so how can you only be 8 months old?  This month you actually stopped army crawling and started what people would say is "typical" crawling.  I was firmly convinced you were going to army crawl forever, but you surprised me.  She also successfully climbed up our set of stairs all by herself, which is both impressive and alarming at the same time.
   No teeth yet still, which would make Molly later on her teeth arrival than her brother, but that's okay!  Girl has her own timing!  Still having middle of the night wake ups and wanting to start our day in the 5 o'clock hour, so I'm pretty certain those teeth are going to make an appearance soon.  At least, I hope they are, so maybe I can get some sleep:)  Eating food is going pretty well.  I'm only giving her baby food since she doesn't have any teeth, but girl seems to like most things.  Main issue is for her Momma to remember to feed her the food!  Poor baby #2!
  Your sweet smile is contagious and I feel like you show it more freely and easily than your brother did at this stage of life (and even now too!)  Still really easy, go with the flow, and don't care if your brother takes away your toys (though I'm certain you'll start having an opinion of disapproval soon and we are working with your brother on not taking things away from you).  Love you so much sweet girl!
These kiddos love their Daddy!

The beginning of pulling up and getting into trouble

Bath time with brother

Sweet girl went up all the stairs all by herself!  Yikes!

Quality time with Grandpa

Gane day ready!

Love my babies!