Monday, March 4, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013 as Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. Hixon Valentine's Day 2013

I know it's March (already?!), so my post on Valentine's is a couple weeks behind.   By this point, no one else is doing posts about it so this will be fresh reading!  If you're tired of V Day posts, then perhaps skip this one even though I think it's worth your reading pleasure.  In an attempt to become lower maintenance and make it easier for Casey, I told him he really didn't have to do much (yes, even though it was our first Valentine's as married folk).  It was on a Thursday and it was really busy at work still, so I wasn't going to want to do too much.  Even though I LOVE flowers,I told him he could skip that or just get them for me the following week when they would go back to being their usual price instead of double.   I'm smart floral industry, I won't let you have double my money!
     We agreed not to get each other anything big because we would go in together to buy a nice camera.  So gift is taken care of, gave him a pass on the flowers, my only request was that he get me a card and that he would read more than one.  He (along with my father) claim they have this "gift" where they can pick out the perfect card on the first try.  I personally think that is a lie, and they just despise reading more than one that they just buy the first one they pick up without really putting too much effort into it at all.  I'm ALL about thoughtfulness and effort when trying to show my love/appreciation/gratitude to someone, and I just would like the same done for me sometimes.  I tell Casey it doesn't have to be expensive, I just like to see you put thought and effort into it, and that is a huge part of the gift to me.
     Thought I forgot about food right?  Never!  All I wanted for dinner was not to cook, so either Casey could do something at home or we'd go out.  Casey got us a reservation at our favorite hibachi place by our house.  For Casey, I got him a card and made him his favorite dessert: yellow cake with chocolate icing!  I had bought a shamrock/four leaf clover shaped cake pan last year, so I made it in that and wrote on it "SO LUCKY TO BE YOUR WIFE".  He loved it! 

Yummy food!!!!

Look at that ginormous mountain of butter!  Thankfully our chef did not use nearly all of that, but I'm sure I got way more than I needed!

My handsome date!

    If you remember, V-Day was kind of chilly this year (at least in my opinion, but I'm very cold natured).  Casey and I left work at the same time, which is not unusual, but when I opened the door to his truck (that I drive Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays to save gas $$$) this is the lovely (and THOUGHTFUL!) surprise my husband gave me:

The boy did SO GOOD!!!  What a sweet husband!  And yes, the balloon is HUGE!!  It is still full of helium and floating strong in our house after almost 3 weeks.  Here is what it looked like all arranged:

The card he got for me was perfect!!  The boy said he read 18 cards!  I wasn't thinking he'd go to that extreme, I was just hoping he's read like 3 or 4.  His startling revelation after doing this was that they each say something different!  Who would have thought:)  I know everyone enjoyed our very candid shot at the top of this post, so I will leave you with the outtakes that are equally humorous and I promise I am not trying to slap his head!

Despite a busy work day, this Valentine's was a definite success and so blessed to have such a great husband!  Have a very blessed week my blog readers and remember to join in on the month long celebration of my birthday!! Countdown is 13 days!!!

 "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:4

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