Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Dreaded Stomach Bug

A few weeks ago Caden succumbed to his first stomach bug and it was AWFUL!!!  My poor baby didn't really understand throwing up (sorry if that's TMI) and the scared look on his face just made this Mommy's heart hurt terribly!  It came on this guy on a Tuesday afternoon on our way home from Ladies Bible class at church. Fun car seat clean up times there.  Poor guy just kept getting sick and couldn't even keep Pedialyte down!  His pediatrician's office was closed, but they are part of a group of practices that have an after hours office open nights and weekends (BEST THING EVER!!!).  So we were at the doctor till 10 something that night, but able to get Caden some medicine to stop the vomiting.
   Little man's stomach was still somewhat unstable the next several days, but he didn't really know that.  This kid would go to the refrigerator crying because he wanted his milk, but every time we tried some it just came back.  This kid lived off of ice chips literally because he wasn't much of a Pedialyte fan.  Once the vomiting stopped, then it started coming out the other end.  When I called the doctor's office to talk with them about it since the note on the medicine said to call them if there was diarrhea, they proceeded to tell me this was the second part of the virus.  Lovely.  The even more lovelier part was that it could last 1-2 weeks! Oh my!  Thankfully it was only a few days, but guys it was rough time at the Hixon house.
   Watching our sweet boy feel so bad just hurts!  I know this is not our last stomach virus, but I hope it's a loooong time before we have to deal it again. I wish it be a long time before I make another trip to the pediatrician, but not even 2 weeks later back we were again! Ugh!  This time it was pink eye! And this past week it was another cold. At least my kiddo is keeping it real getting something different each time, but bring on spring, which I hope means getting sick less!
When you throw up all over your clothes,
you ride home in just a diaper and socks!

My poor sick baby
"just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  Matthew 20:28

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