Friday, March 25, 2016

Molly at 2 Months!

Sweet Miss Molly!  Hard to believe how much faster time is going with you!  You are the best baby!  Now you're brother was by no means a bad or difficult baby, but you just seem to be even more laid back than him and sleeping through the night already (Thank you, thank you!!!).  Turning 2 months meant a trip to the doctor for some shots!  Here are Molly's stats:
Weight= 9 lbs. 5 oz. (7%) Caden was 10 lbs. 6.4 oz. (7% as well! Ha!)
Height=23 1/4 in. (84%) Caden was 23 in. (40%)
Head=15.35 in. (73%) Caden was 15.59 in. (58%)
When we went to the doctor, little Miss Molly fell off the weight curve. In order to help her pack on some more weight, her pediatrician told us to add some more formula (but not more water) to her breast milk/formula milk combination to give her some more calories.  Hopefully that will help our little lady!  Now I just chuckle at all the people that told me she looked big for her age! Ha!  Other than needing to gain weight, we have a happy and healthy girl on our hands!

Waiting on the doctor at our 2 month check up

All you have to do is add a bow to make
big brother's hand me down girly!

Molly's 1st road trip to our church Marriage Retreat!

Caden thought Molly needed a hat

Matching outfits!

Girl can sleep anywhere!
Big brother loves his "baby"!  He always has to know where she's at and says "Hi baby!" a million times a day it seems.  Sometimes we have to put Molly in another room when she's sleeping just so she can sleep and not be woken up by her brother telling her hello.  We love, love, love you Miss Molly!

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8

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